Useful Links


Your Students' Union website for info on events, elections, societies and representation.

For all the essential info like timetables, facilities and support. Also remember to check your emails every now and then!

Getting Started
For Freshers who need a helping hand in the sometimes difficult transition to university life.

Cardiff Digs
Essential info for housing. Especially useful if you're moving into private rented accommodation this year.

Nice distraction though I'd take some of their advice with a pinch of salt. They have an obsession with cats like the rest of the Internet.

Study help

Google Books
I got a first in my degree. All thanks to Google Books.

The Harvard Referencing Guide
USW's referencing bible.

Amazing for anything at all to do with journalism.

Find resources, submit work on Turnitin so you don't have to rush in the queue at 3:55.

Classic FM
There's something about the combination of Mozart and Mylenne Klass that gets my word count up faster than anything.

Jobs & Careers

Possibly the longest list of regular updated media jobs out there.

They've got great links to industry for radio people and others in related media industries

For jobs and work placements across Wales.

Live briefs and short placements for media peeps.

For great support and opportunities for students and graduates.

A site to help young people get into employment and backed by big names like O2 and Bauer Media.


Fancy food, drink, essential supplies or just want to come and see me? Well this is the place you need to go!

The favourite end of year hangout and host to our graduation party this year.

Pronounced 'Goo-dee-hoo' which is welsh for Owl. Great music and patio area.

You haven't been 'out out' in Cardiff until you've ended your night at Live Lounge and followed it up with a Burger King.

Because if you go here you'll make Amy DunBavand very happy.


Verity VP Newport
Keep tabbs on the goings on from the Vice President of Newport, Verity Worthington

Graduate Challenges
For recent graduates trying to work out life after uni.

Cooking tips and food reviews from my old radio colleague, Jade Barber.

Strawberry Truths
Keep on to date with Cardiff's societies officer, Tequila Radio Station Manager and all round busy person Rachael Roberts.


Tequila Radio
I spent 3 years at the station and ran it in my last year of uni. Unquestionably the greatest thing I did during my studies.

Exposure TV/Radio
Some fantastic final year work from Media Production, Radio and Performance and Media students. They also raise quite a lot of money for charity every year. Tune in between January/February and April.

Advark Magazine
Newport's new magazine for design, typography and for general things that look funky. Spreading all across USW this year.

For election videos and much more coming soon!

Online youth magazine in Cardiff with help on everyday life.

The Underclassed
Music news and reviews from ATRiuM Journalism students.


USW Hockey (Pontypridd & Cardiff)
Keep up with all the news from the hockey boys and girls here.

Find out who's playing who and when.

USW Sports Trials
Find out when you can tryout to be in a team.

Cardiff City Phone-In
The phone-in dedicated to fans of the city's Premier League side. Broadcasts on GTFM at 7pm Mondays and Wednesdays during the football season.