Friday, November 29, 2013

November: Moustaches and Student Movement

My Movember efforts. This is the 3rd year in a row I've done Movember.
Without a doubt, things have really picked up in the last month in Cardiff at the Students' Union. But overall it's been a really positive month. From bringing Course Reps together to our 2nd batch of elections this term to fighting for the future of the SU. Things have been kicking off but students in Cardiff are definitely letting their voice be heard which can only mean the change is on the horizon. This was how this month went:
  • 4 more students are running for Student Council for four positions - Postgraduate and Part Time Officer, Students with Disabilities Officer, International Officer and Welsh Language Officer. Should they all get elected this will bring our total student council members up to 8 which is enough to have decision making power!
  • Met with Mary Traynor and Leann Thomas to discuss the National Student Survey and different ways we can communicate avenues for feedback to students.
  • Went on BBC Radio Wales to promote what USWSU was doing for Children in Need.
  • Had our Course Rep Training and had productive conversations with course reps about the issues surrounding their own individual courses. 
  • Attended a Student Casework session held by the Quality Unit.
  • Attended NUS Wales Zone Conference at Aberystwyth University.
  • Met with our CEO to discuss the financial situation of the Union.
  • Started our #FairFunding campaign to try and insure the short and long-term stability of the Students' Union. We filmed a campaign video for it which is due to be released in the New Year.
  • Started a campaign to protect the food provision at the ATRiuM Students' Union which is due to be taken away from us in the next academic year with the construction of ATRiuM 2A. We're using the hashtag #SOS on Twitter if you want to voice your opinion. Here's a couple of opinions already:

  • Represented a student involving a suspension case.
  • Met Jess Urch who has started to petition for longer opening hours of the ATRiuM so students are able to complete their work that sometimes requires specialist equipment. I'm helping her to escalate the issue to the Faculty, to the Estates Department and to the University Executive. If you want to sign the petition go to:
  • Attended NUS Wales' 40th Birthday drinks.
  • Started a questionnaire I'm circulating around the ATRiuM about the Students' Union. If you'd like to answer it please follow the link here: 
  • Got sent this lovely thank you card for showing some MBA students around the ATRiuM and Cromwell House. The tour was really useful as I realised there were quite a few changes in the two buildings this year that I hadn't noticed before!
The thank you card I got sent.

On top of that I've been growing a moustache for Movember. You can see my progress up to now in the pic at the top of the page. It'll probably be gone by Monday so I can get back to growing a good winter beard as Christmas approaches. I'm looking forward to the Christmas break but there's still a lot to do before that. I shall let you know how I get on in a couple of weeks.

Speak soon,
