My manifesto I wrote back in May. |
1. A Union of people, not place
This point has become somewhat derailed by the current plans to move the Students' Union to ATRiuM 2A. As there's the possibility of opening the Union later next year we have to be careful what external partners we forge now. However, engagement is one of my key priorities this year so I've been working hard to build up the 'people' side by supporting Course Reps and helping promote Student Council Elections.
2. On the ground support
Soon into my job, I realised that providing on-the-ground support was unrealistic. Since I have to attend many meetings and cannot commit myself to staying in Cardiff permanently in role. I have been looking to support Course Reps with issues they raise at our Course Rep Council meetings.
3. Campaign for what you want
4. Society Encouragement
5. Communication
Hopefully that shows I've been making steps to achieving some of my manifesto points. However it's key to point out that my priorities have had to change somewhat especially over the last couple of months with the Union's current financial issues. What I'd really like to achieve by the end of June is to have a Strategic Plan for USWSU for 2014 to 2017 which helps build a Union that supports all regions and campuses of the University of South Wales. I'll be checking back on all this in June so stay tuned for that!